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Sunday, 14 July 2013

Our Announcement - Double Trouble

In April I took my first pregnancy test which confirmed that we were expecting. It was planned so we were both made up and I was making it through the first few weeks without too much worry. 

This week me and my husband went along to the hospital for my 12 week scan. We were excited and looking forward to seeing our baby on screen for the first time, I always feel like I need it to confirm that there is actually something in there. As the sonographer turned the screen round we could quite clearly see a baby and another shape over to one side. We have both since said that our exact thoughts were, 'I don't remember seeing the placenta on Lucas' scans.' So when she said to us, 'Well, I have some news' I knew exactly what she was going to say! Twins! I cried and I turned to see James grinning. She quite clearly showed us two babies and two heartbeats and later confirmed that they will be identical! 

I cannot begin to explain how I felt; so, so shocked but absolutely thrilled.  I'll do some more posts on what has happened since and the rollercoaster of emotions but for now I just want to say that we couldn't be happier and we are looking forward to becoming a family of five.


  1. Okay so when I seen "double trouble" I thought oh yay she's pregnant, and then I read and oh wow TWINS! wowie congratulations, so happy for you! :) here's to a healthy double pregnancy :) xx

    1. Thank you Ashleigh, right now I'm just hoping for healthy twins too! Exciting times ahead xx

  2. Wow! Huge congratulations! That has happened to me too and I'm now a Mum of an 8 year old boy and identical twin girls. There are such fun times ahead for you all. Don't hesitate to ask if there's anything you'd like to know :-)

    1. Thank you Dawn!, You might regret saying that as I have a lot going on in my head right now but I was hoping I might find some more twin mums through this so I'm really pleased you have commented. Just followed you so I can have a good read of your blog later :) x

  3. Wow this is wonderful news. Congratulations to you all.

  4. Oh my god wowee congratulations Hayley. That's amazing news xx

    1. Thanks Katie, we are so excited! A lot to look forward to :) xx

  5. Family of FIVE!!! Crazy - I can't wait & am so thrilled for you. Buckle up its going to be mental. xxx

    1. Tell me about it, we'll be crazy next year but it will all be good fun xx

  6. Oh amazing news!! Congratulations to you all xx

    1. Thank you, we are still coming to terms with it but so excited xx

  7. Oh wow, that is amazing! Conratulations x

  8. Oh congratulations. Thats so exciting. Twins will be so amazing. I'm thrilled for you. x

    1. Thank you very much, we are so pleased and looking forward to the future xx

  9. So so exciting!! Congratulations :)

  10. Lol. I had to pop over here just to check when I saw your post on IG today

    Massive congratulations. Xxx

    Over the Hill Mum

  11. Wow - congratulations, how exciting xx


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