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Monday, 2 September 2013

Twin Pregnancy Diary - 20 Weeks

Halfway point! Hard to believe that in a few months our babies could be here. This pregnancy feels like it is progressing so much faster than last time as we really haven't had as much time to think about it. Finding out we are having twins has meant a shuffle of bedrooms and we've been busy making sure Lucas is well settled in his new room, clearing out clutter to make way for two babies and sorting through baby things so we know just what we need. 

Yet another scan this week which is always something to look forward to but I am much more anxious to meet with the consultant. There is still so much I don't know; so many people have asked if I will be having a c-section and I really want to find out the chances of this and if I can elect to have one. I'm not too sure either way if I'm honest but my labour with Lucas was long; I had slow early labour and was in hospital for over 36 hours before he arrived. I'm worried if the same happens this time there could be more complications with two babies. Of course there are chances of complications with twin births especially as our twins still appear to be MCMA (in the same sac and sharing a placenta) part of me just wants to security of knowing they will arrive quickly and at a time when they can be delivered safely. On the other hand I'm a little nervous of a c-section because of the extra recovery time; I just really hope my questions are answered on Wednesday and I have some more information.

The babies should be about the size of a banana and all the senses are now starting to develop. The boys should be able to hear things and will be able to feel when they touch something. We'll have more checks done of their anatomy at the scan but they checked some at the 18 week scan and all looked like it was developing well apart from them being a little squashed in there!

I'm still feeling quite energetic so I'm trying to make the most of this while I can and getting jobs done in the house and garden. I have discovered that if I walk too far it takes it's toll which I don't remember this early on in my first pregnancy. I'm trying to keep up with light exercise though and I'm hoping to get down to the swimming pool to help out those aches. The babies had been quiet for a few days but I can feel wriggles again now. I know it gives all mums-to-be reassurance when they can feel the movements, especially in these early days before it gets too vigorous!


  1. I manage to keep swimmimg and did yoga until I was about 30 weeks with mine. I think you just have to listen to your body.

    Karen x

  2. 30 weeks is pretty good! I'm really feeling it if I walk too far, even now keep thinking I can just carry on as normal but I really can't! Hoping I have more luck with swimming x


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