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Saturday, 24 August 2013

One Year On - Thank You

After being sure I wouldn't, I did in fact forget and I am a couple of days late with my one year anniversary post. I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who reads, comments, and shares my blog because it really does mean the world to me. I also have to thank Vicki over on Lets Talk Beauty for encouraging me to give blogging a go and opening me up to this whole new world. Just been back to read my first post, not as bad as I was expecting but I haven't read anything else from that first month!

I thought to celebrate my blog-iversary I will of course be having some cake but I'll also let you in on some secrets, here is 12 things you may not know about me.

  1. My Nana was Italian but she never taught any of her children or grandchildren the language, much to my disappointment.
  2. When I was younger I wanted to work for the RAF in Air Traffic Control until I realised it involved a lot of Maths.
  3. I trained as a Primary Teacher but never became one. I would love to work in education someday but not as a teacher; that is one tough job!
  4. I have been with my husband since I was 16; he was my first real boyfriend.
  5. I have the most terrible fear of slugs.
  6. When I was a teenager I never wanted to get married or have children.
  7. I have one tattoo of a lotus flower and would one day like some more.
  8. My eyesight is truly terrible; I can't see a thing without lenses or glasses.
  9. I have one brother who is 5 years younger than me but we have always been very close..
  10. My favourite film is True Romance.
  11. I get terrible homesickness, especially if I'm on my own; I am such a homebird.
  12. I sleep walk and sleep talk.
Thank you for reading!

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