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Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Funny Things You Do {21 months}

Dear Lucas

What a roller coaster my life has become since you made me a Mummy! Last month seemed to be particularity tough as you were asserting your authority but this month has been a joy. I think it has helped that we had Daddy at home for two whole weeks and you both had so much fun together. I love to see the two of you together; you are usually screeching and wrestling but occasionally you are snuggled up watching Postman Pat. Daddy is the most fun because he can throw you up in the air and blow raspberries on your tummy, both send you into fits of giggles.

You are so desperately trying to talk to us and always chatter away when you are playing. I can see that sometimes you are so frustrated as we can't understand what you want to tell us and I can't wait for the day that we can chat away to each other. Once you get going I know that you will never be quiet! You are now starting to say the names of people when they visit; Grandma and Grandad, Nanny, Nana and your cousin (I am still eagerly awaiting a 'Mama'). When you see someone you recognise you have an excited little dance that you do before you run off for them to chase you.

You are still loving to read but have become more particular about what we read. Some bedtime books get rejected and we have to go through several before you find one that you are happy with. I love to find you holed up in the corner of you room with a book, quietly looking through the pages.

You are still my little outdoors boy and you are so independent (maybe too independent) whenever you see some open space. You seem to have no fear when we are outside, you want to climb, play in the dirt, run down the hills and you always make a beeline for the biggest slide in the playground. I am looking forward to exploring with you this summer but I spend most of my time running after you trying to keep up.

As I spend every day with you I don't always notice the little changes but when I come to write this at the end of each month I see how much has actually changed. You are growing up quick and I am starting to think about you becoming an older boy and going to nursery and even school! It's hard for me to imagine a time when I don't spend all day with you, when I don't see you learning to do all these new things and taking in the expanding world around you. For now I am just enjoying being your Mummy; you make me smile each and every day and that is pretty special.

All My Love


  1. Awwww he is so gorgeous and is growing so fast. Burton didn't speak until quite late on he was about 27 months I think and now i cannot shut him up lol! it is hard imaging them setting off into the big wide world of nursery *sighs* but it is good for them and us to have that time without being together. and i adore the photo of him asleep with his tigger pjs - that is super sweet he is almost frowning in his sleep x x

    1. Oh Jenny you have just put my mind at rest with his speech! It is coming along, just very slowly. I know that eventually they all catch up and no one knows who walked and talked early. He understands everything I say too, I know once he gets going he'll never shut up! Still does worry me sometimes. Can't believe how fast time is going but enjoying it all xx


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